Teaching & Learning
St Louis de Montfort's Primary School Aspendale
‘Deep learning is quality learning that 'sticks' with you for the rest of your life.’
- Michael Fullan
At St Louis, we are dedicated to fostering excellence and equity in all that we do. Through inspiring teaching and meaningful learning experiences, we strive to ensure every child has the opportunity to thrive and achieve their fullest potential. Rooted in a faith-filled community of faith, hope, and love, we embrace the values that guide our students on their journey to full flourishing—intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. Together, we nurture each child's growth, empowering them to become confident, compassionate individuals who are ready to make a positive difference in the world.
St Louis de Montfort's


Education in Faith
At St Louis, we are committed to developing gospel and secular values and a knowledge and understanding of Catholic faith, doctrine and tradition. We strive to make faith real in today’s world by supporting students to grow individually in relationship with Jesus Christ and with each other. We aspire to develop our students to their full potential as active members of the faith community, through participation in prayer, liturgy, sacraments, social justice and service to others.

Learning Enhancement
At St Louis de Montfort’s Primary School, we ensure that students have the support they need to fully engage with the curriculum throughout their time at our school. Our expert Learning Enhancement Team identifies students who need extra help and design programs to meet their specific needs. Teachers tailor lessons to accommodate individual learning styles, and Learning Support Officers help to meet the students' needs.
Collaborative Partnerships
We believe that collaboration is key to student success. Our Learning Enhancement Team works in close partnership with parents, classroom teachers and external professionals to provide comprehensive support. This strong network ensures that every student receives the personalised attention and resources they need to thrive. Open communication and cooperation are central to our approach, enabling us to meet the unique needs of each child.
Continuous Growth
At St Louis de Montfort’s Primary School, we are dedicated to ongoing improvement and professional growth. Our Learning Enhancement Team participates in continuous training and development, ensuring we are always aligned with the latest best practices. By investing in our staff, we ensure that students receive the highest level of support and expertise throughout their education at our school.
A Community of Support
Our Learning Enhancement team fosters a supportive community focused on helping each student reach their fullest potential. Through collaboration, innovation, and a shared commitment to excellence, we empower our students to achieve their goals and adapt to an ever-evolving world.
Data Collection and Students with Disability
The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) is an annual collection of information about Australian school students with disability. It pertains to students with learning problems, a physical disability, vision/hearing loss, health problems, and/or social-emotional problems that might need additional adjustments or ‘help’ at school. The NCCD enables schools, education authorities and governments to better understand the needs of students with disability and how they can be best supported at school.
The Learning Enhancement Team employs a variety of strategies to identify students needing additional support, including assessment and academic performance, teacher, parent or self-referral. Our support may include:
Individualised programs
Tier 2 and Tier 3 onsite assessments
Literacy and language skills development, including Multisensory Structured Language intervention (MSL) for Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students
English Intervention for Year 3 to Year 6 students
Mathematics intervention, tailored to individual needs with ongoing monitoring of progression
Functional Skills assessments and recommendations to external support services
Development of Social Skills and Social Thinking through Social Stencil support groups
Peaceful Kids Mindfulness Program
Seasons for Growth
Access to school-based Pastoral Care support
Program Support Group Meetings and parent consultation
Maintaining regular communication with parents
On-site visits from MACS Learning Consultants
Data-informed teaching practice to determine areas and levels of intervention required
Special provisions for NAPLAN assessments

‘That's the good thing with stories, there's always a chance that they can come true.'
- Morris Gleitzman
At St Louis de Montfort’s, we are dedicated to building a strong foundation in English for all students, focusing on the essential components of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing. Students develop knowledge, understanding and skills across the areas of Language, Literature and Literacy.
In line with the MACS Vision for Instruction, we use evidence based practices and explicit teaching methods with our students, focussed on developing essential literacy.
Our teaching approach is supported by the Science of Reading and we recognise the importance of the five ‘keys’ of reading and literacy success -
Phonemic awareness
In the early years, we incorporated two specific programs to support literacy development; Heggerty’s and Little Learners Love Literacy.
Across the school, we implement a structured literacy block that focuses on the key components of English, ensuring a comprehensive approach to learning. A structured literacy block is a dedicated time each day where students engage in focused, step-by-step instruction in reading and writing. During this time, we teach essential skills including phonics, spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension in a systematic, organised way. This approach helps ensure that every student builds a strong foundation in literacy, enabling them to become confident readers, writers and communicators. By following a structured routine, we can tailor learning to meet each child's needs and ensure steady progress.
We believe that through this structured, evidence-based approach, every student will have the tools and support they need to succeed in their literacy journey and beyond.

At St Louis we strive to develop a strong foundation in mathematics for all students.
In line with the MACS Vision for Mathematics Instruction we use Explicit Instruction to provide structured and clear guidance to help students grasp mathematical concepts and develop essential skills. All classes participate in Daily Reviews in mathematics to ensure that students are constantly revising previously taught concepts which allows them to transfer their learning to long term memory, which in turn enables them to readily attend to new learning.
At St Louis we believe that all students deserve to reach their potential in mathematics. We use individual student learning goals to support students at their point of need and to ensure all students continue to build on their current knowledge and understanding. We provide opportunities for students to access additional support through our Maths Intervention and further extension through problem solving challenges in the Maths Olympiad Program.
We are constantly refining our teaching pedagogy in light of current research and our mathematics lessons are always tailored to the students, aim to provide clarity and depth of understanding whilst maintaining engagement.

Social Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Learning develops self awareness, the ability to manage emotions, set goals and strong interpersonal skills. These skills are an important component of a person’s ability to build compassionate and caring relationships with others both at school and home.
Programs used to support social emotional learning at St Louis:
Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships
You Can Do It
Bounce Back
Making Jesus Real
Buddy Session
Circle Time
Lunchtime Clubs
Student Leadership Program
All of our staff are committed to the wellbeing of all students in their care and we have a dedicated Student Support team.

‘'Nothing worth learning can be taught.'
- Oscar Wilde
At St Louis, we inspire our students to become critical and creative thinkers who are not afraid to ask big questions and pose challenges.
Through their learning in the Humanities, Health, Science, and Technology, students are encouraged to think deeply, explore new ideas, and take action. We empower them to be changemakers—people who can make a real difference in the world.
By engaging in hands-on projects and investigations, students develop the skills and confidence to solve problems, innovate, and take meaningful steps toward creating positive change. Together, we’re building the leaders of tomorrow!

Technologies at St Louis
‘The best way to predict your future is to create it.’
- Abraham Lincoln
At St Louis design and digital technologies play an important part in our teaching and learning of inquiry. We explore the contemporary concepts and skills associated with both these areas, integrating them into student learning in order to make strong connections with other curriculum areas such as History, Science and The Arts.
Digital Technologies
‘Because people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.’
- Steve Jobs
Digital Technologies at St Louis focuses on 21st Century skills including coding, investigating digital systems, understanding how networks work, and eSafety. It is strongly aligned with our core value of Innovation (or ‘to search for a new approach'). Our children are given the opportunity to interact with a number of different coding languages, from simple block coding through to more advanced scripts such as Java and Python. Students are encouraged to think critically about how technologies can be used effectively to be able to redesign and reimagine the world they live in.
Minecraft Education and Techsperts
In years 3-6 our students have access to Minecraft Education. This tool is used as part of our classroom practice to engage students and get them to think creatively about possible solutions to problems they are posed by their teachers.
We also encourage further engagement in this area by holding a weekly Techsperts club. This club’s core purpose is to build confidence in our students and allow them to pursue areas of interest when using digital technology. It also creates component technology users who are happy to support teachers and children around the school to understand how things work and if there are any issues, fix them.
Design and Technologies
‘Creativity is intelligence having fun.’
- Albert Einstein
Design and Technology lets our children explore problems through a process of inquiry, encouraging them to pursue design thinking. This involves identifying a real world problem. Building empathy so that they feel a strong connection and sense of why it is important to look for a solution. Moving to a cycle of design that includes prototyping, redesign, delivery and evaluation. Often, students will be exposed to a soft brief helping them to focus on the intention of their design thinking.
This learning area also aligns with another of our core values, Collaboration (or ‘working together to achieve a shared goal’). Through Design Technologies, students are often found to be working in groups and sharing their ideas developing ideas that lead into their design thinking cycle.
Access to Technology
‘We’re changing the world with technology.’
- Bill Gates
At St Louis, students in years 3-6 work within our 1:1 Chromebook scheme. Students each have a education-focused Chromebook, building capabilities, skills, and understandings by completing our St Louis Chromebook Licence Program .
Within our junior school, students have access to iPads on a daily basis, using them to capture their learning as well as develop their own digital competencies. Other school owned devices are available to our children and are focused on providing them access to other softwares as well as aspects of VR and AR (virtual and augmented reality).

STEM & Makerspace
STEM and Makerspace
‘Invent to learn - we bring experience with us but thinking differently moves us forward’.
- Gary Stager
As part of our new learning area at St Louis, we have a designated MakerSpace. This area focuses on the learning areas linked to STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths). Students are exposed to a range of tools within this space including Makedo cardboard construction, 3D Printing, and robotics. We provide our children with further opportunities to develop their learning in these key learning domains, encouraging them to develop an understanding of how STEM helps our world progress and evolve. We want our students to approach learning with curiosity whilst also devloping a passion for problem-solving. From then it's up to them to be creative in how they reimagine the world.

Being a Catholic school we look at education for sustainability in a Catholic context “as agents of the mission of the church, Catholic education encourages and empowers school students and their communities to take action for the common good”.
Students, staff, parents and the broader community work in partnership to deliver sustainability learning for all age levels with a focus on our Kitchen to Garden program (K2G), ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic framework, ‘i sea, i care’ Marine Ambassador program and our civics and citizen environmental initiatives within our community.
By incorporating sustainability education and actions within all year levels and within all disciplines St Louis de Montfort has embedded sustainability into each student’s learning and leadership journey. Students are hands-on with implementing and achieving environmental improvements within our school reducing waste usage; organic recycling with our animals, compost and worm farms; animal husbandry, measuring and monitoring our water, energy and waste, improving biodiversity, propagating and growing fruit and vegetables.

Physical Education & Health
Our Aims
At St Louis, we strive for our students to develop confidence and competence in the acquisition of motor skills to enhance participation in a wide range of physical activities. We provide all students the opportunity to a healthy lifestyle through skill development and access to a variety of team games and individual physical activities. By providing opportunities for students to experience activities they may not have access to, it is our aim that they develop life-long participation in activities that help foster a sense of connectedness and sense of community. Participation in physical activity enhances positive mental health and emotional development. Activities that may be either competitive and non-competitive in nature, can assist students in gaining confidence, develop resilience and persistence.
How do we do it
In Physical Education classes we provide opportunities to have fun and learn physical activities which can be transferred to life experiences. We understand that physical activity can provide opportunities of relaxation, enjoyment, recreation, fitness, social interaction and competition. In Grades Foundation to Year 3 our focus is on the development of the Fundamental Motor skills (FMS) . From Year 3 to 6 we continue on developing the (FMS) and include game sense awareness and provide opportunities for team games and individual activities in non-competitive and competitive events.
Opportunities for students
We offer a range of opportunities for our students to compete in School Sport Victoria sports pathways such as Swimming, Cross Country running and Athletics carnivals. Students are encouraged to participate in these activities and compete against other schools in our local area and beyond to State level representation. The opportunities to compete in Swimming carnivals, Cross country racing and Athletic carnivals exist for students in Years 3-6.
Students may trial for the Swimming Carnival and participate in morning sessions in the summer swim season. Our annual St Louis Cross country run creates an opportunity for our students to run in the beautiful local surrounds outside of our school. We run a St Louis Athletic sports day annually which encourages school spirit amongst our students and enables all students to participate in a mix of traditional athletic events and team participation games. In all these events we encourage students with special needs to participate.
Interschool Sport is a highlight for many students. Students in the senior school compete in Interschool Sport weekly during summer seasons including sports such as T20 Blast cricket, Basketball, Volleyball, Kickball, Tennis and Lawn Bowls. In winter AFL Football, Soccer, Netball, Tee Ball are offered. St Louis has been quite successful in recent years being State Champions in AFL and T20 Blast Cricket.
Individual students are also able to participate in trials in major team sports to represent Victoria at National Championships when they follow the TEAM Vic pathway provided by School Sport Victoria.
From time to time we also provide opportunities for sporting organisations to run programs and sporting clinics to provide specialist activities.

Visual Arts
“It has been shown that active engagement in the arts improves academic and often social outcomes for students”
Independent Education Issue 3 Vol 50 2020
The Visual Art program at SLDM values and encourages the expression and communication of ideas,feelings and beliefs through a varied curriculum encompassing drawing, painting, printing, collage, threads and textiles, construction and modelling.
Our program explores art from various cultures, art from the past and the present, famous artists and Australian artists.
Students work on art pieces both individually and collaboratively, and develop an understanding of the skills and intentions of artists, and form and express personal opinions relating to all aspects of art.

Performing Arts
The Performing Arts program provides 40 minute classes to all students P-6 on a weekly or bi-weekly basis in a purpose-built Centre.
The aim of the program is to provide a sound basis in music in line with the Victorian Curriculum that incorporates musical skills, basic instrument tuition in guitars, African drums and xylophones, musical cultural awareness, drama and performance opportunities and utilisation of technology-based musical creation.
The program is built on Kodaly principles in the early years (P-3), which give the students a firm grasp of beat, rhythm, pitch and notation, and then uses the derived skills in the senior years for more specialised music study. Students are assessed regularly through a variety of methods, including observation, completed work, and performance.
In addition there is an instrumental program that runs independently of the class program that provides more specialised tuition.
The Performing Arts Program follows the Scope and Sequence below:
Develop a strong sense of beat and an emerging understanding of simple rhythms
Be able to recognise the direction of pitch, match when singing and follow simple melodies
Develop the skill of moving in time to music and respond to different styles
Learning and singing a range of simple and traditional songs and rhymes
Be exposed to playing a variety of classroom instruments
Exploring dynamics, tempo and timbre with a range of instruments
Grade 1/2
Be able to distinguish between beat and rhythm
Recognise at least 3 notes on the 5 line stave
Play melodic percussion with correct mallet technique displaying skills of dynamics, tempo and timbre
Apply beat and increasing complex rhythms when using percussion instruments
Singing more complex songs and rhymes, both 3 note and traditional
Develop an awareness of a range of musical styles
Grade 3/4
Recognise and use the notes on the treble clef stave
Develop skills to combine instruments together in groups
Understand chords and play using either guitars of xylophones
Establishing basic hand drumming skills
Expand understanding of different musical cultures and styles
Develop an emerging understanding in the use of music technology
Develop and enhance singing skills
Grade 5/6
Create short pieces of music in a range of styles and display an understanding of time, place and culture
Be familiar with a range of music technology via iPads and be able to use this for a variety of tasks
Playing both tuned and untuned classroom instrument to accompany, arrange, compose and perform a series of musical pieces using either symbolic or standard notation
Develop increasingly complex drumming skills
Be able to read and play guitar Tablature

LOTE - Italian
Italian is the current language for study in the L.O.T.E. program. This is a new language area at St Louis which commenced at the start of 2022.
As part of Signore Antonios's program, students across the whole school are exposed to Italian culture in many different ways including through the Italian language, by exploring the history of Italy, engaging in the arts, with a key focus on music and key compositions through the centuries, as well as other modes such as cooking and dancing.
The LOTE Italian curriculum has been designed with equal weighting of language teaching and cultural activities. Students learn Italian language through methods and tools like stories, singing songs, playing games, and doing activities. Cultural activities will be incorporated into the curriculum all year-round to make learning about Italy exciting and interesting. Students can experience the rich diversity of Italian traditions and customs in the modern context as they participate in hands-on activities.