St Louis de Montfort's Primary School Aspendale
Applications for Prep Enrolment for 2026 are opening soon! Tours dates are now available. Please use our 'book a tour' link.
Applications for other year levels can be submitted at any time during the school year.
St Louis currently has places available in 2026 for Prep, Year 1, Year 3, & Year 4. If you are looking for other year levels, please contact our office on 9580 5169.
St Louis has a 1:1 device program from Year 3 onwards. Chromebooks can be purchased from the school or independently.
Children from all faith backgrounds who are prepared to support Catholic ideals and principles may be considered eligible for enrolment.
St Louis offers enrolment tours. Please use our 'book a tour' link to book in to a tour. Alternatively, you can contact our office on (03) 9580 5169 or by email office@stlouisaspendale.com to book a tour.
To make an application, you can either collect an enrolment form from the school office during normal business hours or alternatively download the enrolment form from this website.
Please return the completed enrolment together with the following supporting documentation to the school office or you can email the forms to office@stlouisaspendale.com
The following documents MUST be attached/submitted with the enrolment form.
A copy of your child’s Birth Certificate
A copy of your child’s baptismal certificate (if baptised)
A copy of your child’s immunisation certificate. This can be obtained from the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR– www.medicareaustralia.gov.au). The Immunisation Register is a national register administered by Medicare Australia that records details of vaccinations given to children under seven years of age who live in Australia.
Catholic families seeking to enrol children from outside the parish boundaries must present a letter of endorsement from their residential Parish Priest with their enrolment application.
Non-Catholic families lodging an enrolment will need to include a personal letter clearly stating the reasons they are seeking enrolment in a Catholic school.
At the time of lodging an enrolment application all new families will be required to pay a non-refundable enrolment fee of $150.00 per family. A refund will only be provided in the event of a family not being offered an enrolment place. St Louis accepts credit cards, cash, or direct transfers to our bank account - BSB: 083 347 Acct Number: 64904 5887. When transferring, please use your child's name as the reference.
New families will be required to pay a deposit of $250.00 towards first term school fees upon accepting an enrolment offer from the school within 10 days of the offer. This deposit will be non-refundable if the family subsequently cancels this enrolment.
Why St Louis'?

School Tours
At St Louis de Montfort's Primary School, we are always happy to show prospective families around our school site.
If you would like to come and visit us here at St Louis complete this form, or contact the office directly by emailing office@stlouisaspendale.com or phoning (03) 9580 5169.
Also, if you would like to arrange a time to chat with our Principal, Carmel Stutterd, please request this when you get in touch.
In the meantime, why not check out our virtual tour below.

School Fees

Orientation and Transition
New Prep students for 2026 are invited to attend school on four occasions during Term 4, 2025 as part of a school orientation program.
More information about these dates will be available in Semester 2 2025

Book a Tour
At St Louis de Montfort's Primary School, everyday is an open day. To book a tour of the school or to request further information, please fill in the form below:
A Snapshot of our Day